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International Innovation Management and TRIZ Conference

December 7-10, 2023 / Baku Azerbaijan

We are pleased to invite you to attend the “International Innovation Management and TRIZ Conference” on Innovation Sciences and TRIZ organized by Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute (IMTI), National Aviation Academy (Azerbaijan) and Gazi University (Türkiye) which will be held hybrid (on-site and online) at the National Aviation Academy (NAA) on December 7-10, 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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Keynote Speakers


Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız

Rector of Gazi University

Prof. Dr. Musa Yildiz became a research assistant at Gazi Education Faculty, Department of Arabic Language Education in 1994. In 1996, he conducted research at Cairo University. He completed his doctorate program with his thesis titled “The Symbolic Novels of Necîb Mahfûz” (1998) and was appointed as a lecturer in the same year in the Institute of Social Sciences of Gazi University. He became assistant professor in 2001 and associate professor in 2002 at GU. He worked as a visiting professor at Jordan University in the 2003-04 academic year. He received the title of professor in 2007.

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Prof. Victor Fey

TRIZ Master, President of the TRIZ Group LLC

TRIZ Master, President of the TRIZ Group LLC

​A close student and associate of Genrich Altshuller, the founder of TRIZ, he has more than three decades of consulting experience serving the Fortune Global 500.


Victor Fey’s work has ranged the gamut from teaching and consulting to facilitating and leading cross- functional teams in delivering critical breakthrough product and technology solutions. Only at Hyundai, his consulting effort resulted in obtaining over 100 patents with an estimated ROI of $100 million.

In 1997-2014, he was an Adjunct Professor at Wayne State University, where he taught the first university course in TRIZ in the West. He has lectured on the subject at MIT, Chalmers University, Technion, and others.

He chairs the Certification Board of the Altshuller Institute. His latest book, Innovation on Demand, was released by Cambridge University Press (translated to Korean; Chinese translation is scheduled for 2019).


Prof. Dr. Ali Kutvan

Chairman of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute

Has double PhD. degrees in management and Communication sciences. Graduated from Hacettepe University, (BA), İstanbul Technical University, (M.Sc), İstanbul University (PhD in Management and Organization) and Marmara University, (Ph.D in Communication Science). Worked as a lecturer in Boğaziçi and Marmara Universities and also worked in Apple Computer in charge of Apple Global Education Project and Apple University Consortium. Visiting Professor in the State Academy of Public Administration (Azerbaijan) and President of Kutvan Group and Chairman of the Board of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Business and Economics, Academic Star Publishing Company, New York / USA. Dr. ALİ B. KUTVAN was chosen as a member of International Advisory Committee of IFERP.


Prof.Dr. Çetin Elmas

Professor of Gazi University

TRIZ Master, President of the TRIZ Group LLC

​A close student and associate of Genrich Altshuller, the founder of TRIZ, he has more than three decades of consulting experience serving the Fortune Global 500.


Victor Fey’s work has ranged the gamut from teaching and consulting to facilitating and leading cross- functional teams in delivering critical breakthrough product and technology solutions. Only at Hyundai, his consulting effort resulted in obtaining over 100 patents with an estimated ROI of $100 million.

In 1997-2014, he was an Adjunct Professor at Wayne State University, where he taught the first university course in TRIZ in the West. He has lectured on the subject at MIT, Chalmers University, Technion, and others.

He chairs the Certification Board of the Altshuller Institute. His latest book, Innovation on Demand, was released by Cambridge University Press (translated to Korean; Chinese translation is scheduled for 2019).


John Godel

Founder President & CEO of Agimage AI

As the Chief Enterprise Architect and Founder of AlpineGate Technologies LLC, primary passion revolves around harnessing the immense potential of AI and Deep Learning, with a notable highlight being the creation of AlbertAGPT, a cutting-edge AI tool at the forefront of innovation.

With over 25 years of experience and a master’s degree in Control and Computer Engineering, his expertise is centered on spearheading AI and Deep Learning projects. John Godel has successfully delivered these solutions for clients in various industries, such as banking, finance, and telecommunications. Th relentless focus is on driving innovation and excellence in AI and Deep Learning technologies, particularly through the groundbreaking capabilities of AlbertAGPT, to shape a better world for future generations.

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